Converting CellML
Section author: Edward Vigmond <>
CellML is a markup language for describing, amongst other things, ionic models. Many models are published and availmable from the CellML Model Repository. However, this format can only be processed by a machine. CARPentry uses its own MarkUp Language called EasyML.
Conversion of a CellML file is performed using the
usage: [-h] [--Vm VM] [--Istim ISTIM] [--out OUT]
[--trace-all] [--plugin] [--params]
Convert CellML 1.0 to model format
positional arguments:
CMLfile CellML file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--Vm VM transmembrane voltage variable [V]
--Istim ISTIM stimulus current variable [i_Stim]
--out OUT output file
--trace-all trace all variables
--plugin is a plug-in, not a whole cell model
--params parameterize all constants
--keep-redundant keep redundant differential expressions, eg alpha, beta
and diff)
The flags mean the following
Flag | Meaning |
Vm | the variable name in the CellML file referring to transmembrane voltage. |
Istim | the CellML variable referring to the stimulus current. This will be removed. |
out | output file which will be processed by |
trace-all | add all variables to the trace so they can be monitored |
plugin | not a stand alone ionic model, but a plug-in |
params | make all constants modifiable as parameters |
keep-redundant | keep all differential equations, even if some are not needed and redundant |
The process of creating an EasyML file is not entirely automated. Manual intervention is always necessary. Generally, the process to create a model file is as follows:
Variable names may be changed since EasyML demands global uniqueness while CellML only demands section uniqueness. Thus, in CellML, there may be two a variables, but in two different channels. They will be renamed to avoid the conflict in EasyML, and variables are grouped together by section after conversion.
We will begin by converting a relatively simple model, the LuoRudy II
run the converter to produce the EasyML model file: luo_rudy_1994.cellml > luo_rudy_1994.model
run the model to C translator: luo_rudy_1994.model
You will see the following output which has errors:
Syntax error at line 79, token '{'
Warning, you should only use alpha/beta OR tau/infinity while formulating gates!
Using the tau infinity values.
Error with d
Warning, you should only use alpha/beta OR tau/infinity while formulating gates!
Using the tau infinity values.
Error with f
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vigmond/Software/dcse/bin/", line 1581, in <module>
File "/home/vigmond/Software/dcse/bin/", line 786, in printSource
declare_type = "double ",
File "/home/vigmond/Software/dcse/bin/", line 201, in printEquations
for var in eqnmap.getList(target, valid):
File "/home/vigmond/Software/dcse/LIMPET/", line 220, in getList
for d in self[sym].depend:
File "/home/vigmond/Software/dcse/LIMPET/", line 87, in __getitem__
return self._map[key]
KeyError: Var("I_st")
Open up luo_rudy_1994.model in the text editor of your choice. Based on the error output, look at line 79:
dV_dt = ((I_st - (i_Na+i_Ca_L+i_K+i_K1+i_Kp+i_NaCa+i_p_Ca+i_Na_b+i_Ca_b+i_NaK+i_ns_Ca))/Cm); .units(mV/ms);
I_st = ((({}rem:time,stimPeriod)<stimDuration) ? stimCurrent : 0.0); .units(uA/mm^2);
It appears that I_st is the stimulus current which we would like to remove. We can manually remove it by deleting line 79 and
eliminating it from line 78, or we can run --Istim=I_st luo_rudy_1994.cellml > luo_rudy_1994.model
Now we are left with errors with gating variables d and f. Locate them around line 106. Note how alpha, beta, tau and _inf are defined for all. By inspecting, we see that alpha_d and alpha_f are defined using the infinity and tau values so they can be removed. Save the file, and rerun `` luo_rudy_1994.model`` which should now have no errors.
# make the linkable library and run it to be sure: luo_rudy_1994 --load ./
Now, we will compile the Grandi-Pasquelini-Bers model
which is quite complicated.
Run the EasyML generator: grandi_pasqualini_bers_2010.cellml > grandi_pasqualini_bers_2010.model
WARNING: stimulus current not found
WARNING: transmembrane voltage not found
So, not ev ery author uses the same names for the same quantities. Inspecting the model file, we can see that transmembrane voltage is called V_m and the stimulating current is I_app. Rerun the converter: --Vm=V_m --Istim=I_app grandi_pasqualini_bers_2010.cellml > grandi_pasqualini_bers_2010.model
Generate the C code: grandi_pasqualini_bers_2010.model
which does not complain but when we try to run the model --load ./
we get NaNs which is not good. So, at this point we need to rely on intuition and a good debugger. First we reduce the time step and hope it is just an integration issue with stiff equations: --load ./ --dt=0.005
which luckily works. We do not want to be restricted to a 5 microsecond timestep so we need to investigate further. The most common issues are
In this particular case, the sodium channel, I_Na on line 170, is definitely a culprit. After inspection, we see diff_ defined as well as redundant alpha/beta/tau/_inf. This is what I finally changed it to:
I_Na = (I_Na_junc+I_Na_sl); .units(uA/uF);
I_Na_junc = (Fjunc*GNa*(m*m*m)*h*j*(V_m - ena_junc)); .units(uA/uF);
I_Na_sl = (Fsl*GNa*(m*m*m)*h*j*(V_m - ena_sl)); .units(uA/uF);
ah = ((V_m>=-40.) ? 0. : (0.057*exp((-(V_m+80.)/6.8)))); .units(unitless);
tau_h = (1./(ah+bh)); .units(ms);
bh = ((V_m>=-40.) ? (0.77/(0.13*(1.+exp((-(V_m+10.66)/11.1))))) : ((2.7*exp((0.079*V_m)))+(3.1e5*exp((0.3485*V_m))))); .units(unitless);
h_inf = (1./((1.+exp(((V_m+71.55)/7.43)))*(1.+exp(((V_m+71.55)/7.43))))); .units(unitless);
tau_m = ((0.1292*exp(-(((V_m+45.79)/15.54)*((V_m+45.79)/15.54))))+(0.06487*exp(-(((V_m - 4.823)/51.12)*((V_m - 4.823)/51.12))))); .units(ms);
m_inf = (1./((1.+exp((-(56.86+V_m)/9.03)))*(1.+exp((-(56.86+V_m)/9.03))))); .units(unitless);
bj = ((V_m>=-40.) ? ((0.6*exp((0.057*V_m)))/(1.+exp((-0.1*(V_m+32.))))) : ((0.02424*exp((-0.01052*V_m)))/(1.+exp((-0.1378*(V_m+40.14)))))); .units(unitless);
aj = ((V_m>=-40.) ? 0. : ((((-2.5428e4*exp((0.2444*V_m))) - (6.948e-6*exp((-0.04391*V_m))))*(V_m+37.78))/(1.+exp((0.311*(V_m+79.23)))))); .units(unitless);
tau_j = (1./(aj+bj)); .units(ms);
j_inf = (1./((1.+exp(((V_m+71.55)/7.43)))*(1.+exp(((V_m+71.55)/7.43))))); .units(unitless);
We try to run it again and we still have an issue. As mentioned above, Markov chains and calcium handling can be numercially stiff. We will try more expensive integration methods at the cost of some speed. I added the following code to grandi_pasqualini_bers_2010.model
group {
group {
This time, we can compile and run it. However, we are not done. Let’s try to improve performance by using a lookup table for the voltage functions. We change line 2 of the model file to be
V_m; .external(Vm); .nodal();.lookup(-100,100,0.05);
We generate the C file, make the linkable library and when we try to run it: --load ./ --stim-start=100 --dt=0.005 -Oa
L2 : LUT WARNING: grandi_pasqualini_bers_2010 V_m=-5 produces -nan in entry number 1!
L2 : LUT WARNING: grandi_pasqualini_bers_2010 V_m=-5 produces -nan in entry number 2!
Outputting the following quantities at each time:
Time Vm Iion
At t = 283.5 and h = 1.90735e-08, the corrector convergence test failed repeatedly or with |h| = hmin. /home/vigmond/grandi_pasqualini_bers_2010.c:868: compute_grandi_pasqualini_bers_2010: Assertion `CVODE_flag == 0' failed.
Hmmm. Maybe the NaN in the lookup table triggers the error. Sure enough, we see that entry for the d-gate time constant of I_Ca, tau_d, has a singularity at -5 mV and that is where the simulation failed. We need to use L’Hopital’s rule for that voltage:
tau_d = (V_m==-5.)?(-d_inf/6./0.035):((1.*d_inf*(1. - exp((-(V_m+5.)/6.))))/(0.035*(V_m+5.))); .units(ms);
d_inf = (1./(1.+exp((-(V_m+5.)/6.)))); .units(unitless);
This model file
now works!!!! For further practice, determine which subset of Ca variables can be removed from the group and/or
if another integration method can be used.