
Module: devtests.bem.tank.run

Section author: Ed Vigmond <ed.vigmond@u-bordeaux.fr>

## Torso Tank Example

Go to the subdirectory Tank.

This example is real data taken from an experimental tank in Utah. A heart was submerged in a torso-shaped tank. A metal cage surrounded the heart on which potentials were sampled. Potentials were also recorded on the torso surface. Starting with the cage potentials, we will solve for the torso potentials and the normal currents of the cage.

### Files

File | meaning — | — cage.pts | cage model cager.igb | potentials recorded on cage tank.pts | complete closed tank model tank_measured.pts | mesh of points at which tank potentials recorded Utankr.igb | potentials recorded on tank_measured

To see the cage potentials: ` meshalyzer cage cager.igb `

### Running the simulation

` bem-ecg -experiment 0 -epi_mod.file cage -torso_mod.file tank -phif cager `

### Outputs

File | Contains — | — bpsm.pts | combined cage/tank mesh solved.igb | torso potentials and epicardial currents on bpsm model

To see the cage currents, you need to visual the solution ` meshalyzer bpsm. solved.igb & `

Turn off the torso surface and set the min/max colour range values to -0.0002/0.0002. Cage points begin at node 771 in the combined model.

### Comparing solutions

  1. Launch and link two instances of meshalyzer ` meshalyzer bpsm. solved.igb & meshalyzer tank_measured. Utankr.igb & `
  2. Display vertices and time series in both meshalyzer instances, and on the Highlight tab, click the ? to open the information window.

3. Select a node in the tank_measured grid. Synchronize the view and select the corresponding node in the tank mesh. Ensure you have the correct node by comparing coordinates in the information windows.

  1. The time traces should be similar. They may differ in magnitude by up to 20% but should have the same shape.
