Models of cardiac electromechanics (EM) comprise an electrophysiological and a mechanical component. Electrophysiology is represented by the bidomain equation or simplified derivations and mechanical deformation is described by Cauchy’s equation of motion. In the most general case the two PDE’s are coupled through excitation-contraction coupling (ECC) to translate electrophysiological activity into the buildup of active mechanical stresses, and mechano-electric feedback (MEF) by which the electrophysiological state of the tissue is altered by deformation. The full coupled system is given then by the bidomain equation in its deformed configuation
and Cauchy’s equation of motion cast in the so-called Lagrange configuration given as
The physiology of EP is coupled to deformation through excitation-contraction coupling (ECC). During an action potential Calcium is released from intracellular stores inducing a rise in intracellular Calcium concentration
EP is influenced by deformation as well through mechano-electric feedback (MEF). This is mainly driven by length-dependence of Calcium binding and stretch-activated sacrolemnal currents, , which modulated their conductivity as a function of fiber stretch, .