A meshtool basic example

Module: tutorials.05_pre_post_processing.01_basic_mesher.run_meshtool

Section author: Aurel Neic <aurel.neic@medunigraz.at>

Meshtool basic example

In the example we will go through the commands in a basic meshtool workflow. It consists of :

  • extracting a submesh
  • querying some mesh information
  • computing surfaces

We start by generating the initial mesh

$ mesher \
-size[0] 0.05 \
-size[1] 0.6 \
-size[2] 0.3 \
-bath[0] -0.02 \
-bath[1] -0.02 \
-bath[2] -0.02 \
-resolution[0] 100.0 \
-resolution[1] 100.0 \
-resolution[2] 100.0 \
-mesh block

Now we check the tags of the mesh

$ meshtool query tags -msh=block
Reading mesh: block.*
Reading elements in text CARP format:                       [====================]
Reading points in text CARP format:                         [====================]
Reading fibers (1 direction) in text CARP format:           [====================]
Done in 0.15757 sec
All tags:
0 1
Extracting myocardium ..
Done in 0.077463 sec
Myocardium tags:

We then extract the myocard submesh

$ meshtool extract mesh -msh=block -submsh=block_i -tags=1

Let’s query the bounding box of the myocard

$ meshtool query bbox -msh=block_i
Reading points of mesh: block_i.*
Reading points in text CARP format:                         [====================]
Done in 0.01595 sec
Computing bounding box ..
Done in 0.000406 sec
x: (      -250.00 ,       250.00 ), delta 500.00
y: (     -3000.00 ,      3000.00 ), delta 6000.00
z: (     -1500.00 ,      1500.00 ), delta 3000.00

We also want to now if the spatial resolution is as requested

$ meshtool query edges -msh=block_i
Reading mesh: block_i.*
Reading elements in text CARP format:                       [====================]
Reading points in text CARP format:                         [====================]
Reading fibers (1 direction) in text CARP format:           [====================]
Done in 0.092507 sec
Computing surface 1/1
Done in 0.086649 sec
Writing surface block_i.surf
Writing vertices block_i.surf.vtx
Writing neubc block_i.neubc
Done in 0.009526 sec
[aneic@AVNpc cme-tutorial-wspace]$ meshtool query edges -msh=block_i
Reading mesh: block_i.*
Reading elements in text CARP format:                       [====================]
Reading points in text CARP format:                         [====================]
Done in 0.138968 sec
Setting up n2e / n2n graphs ..
Computing connectivity graphs:                              [====================]
Done in 0.057902 sec

Number of connections

Average: 11.7254, (min: 4, max: 19)

 == Histogramm ==

   +0.30 |                                                                                          |
         |                 **                                                                     **|
   +0.26 |                 **                                                                     * |
         |                ***                                                                     * |
         |                * **                                                                   ** |
         |                *  *                                                                   *  |
   +0.17 |        **     **  *                                     **                            *  |
         |        **     *   **                                    **                           **  |
         |       ****    *    *                                   ****                          *   |
         |       *  *    *    *                                   *  *                          *   |
   +0.09 |      *   **  *     *                                  **  **                        **   |
         |     **    *  *      *                                 *    *                        *    |
         |     *     ** *      *                                *     **                       *    |
         |    **      **       *                                *      *                      **    |
   +0.00 |*****       **        ********************************       ************************     |
          4.0             6.7             9.4            12.1            14.8            17.5

Edge lengths

Average: 119.912, (min: 100, max: 141.421)

 == Histogramm ==

   +0.52 |*                                                                                         |
         |*                                                                                         |
   +0.45 |*                                                                                       **|
         |*                                                                                       * |
         | *                                                                                      * |
         | *                                                                                     *  |
   +0.30 | *                                                                                     *  |
         |  *                                                                                    *  |
         |  *                                                                                   *   |
         |  *                                                                                   *   |
   +0.15 |  **                                                                                  *   |
         |   *                                                                                 *    |
         |   *                                                                                 *    |
         |   **                                                                               **    |
   +0.00 |    *********************************************************************************     |
        100.0           107.4           114.9           122.3           129.8           137.2

Finally, we extract the full surface

$ meshtool extract surface -msh=block_i -surf=block_i

and the surface of the upper wedge side

$ meshtool extract surface -msh=block_i -surf=block_i.top -coord=0,3010,0 -edge=10