A mesher basic example

Module: tutorials.05_pre_post_processing.01_basic_mesher.run_mesher

Section author: Aurel Neic <aurel.neic@medunigraz.at>

Basic Mesher Example

The following example creates a myocardial slab of dimensions 0.05 x 0.6 x 0.3 cm immersed in a bath of 0.2 cm on each side:

$ mesher \
-size[0] 0.05 \
-size[1] 0.6 \
-size[2] 0.3 \
-bath[0] -0.2 \
-bath[1] -0.2 \
-bath[2] -0.2 \
-resolution[0] 100.0 \
-resolution[1] 100.0 \
-resolution[2] 100.0 \
-mesh block

By default, the geometry’s center is located at (0,0,0). As specified, the bounding box of the intracellular domain is

x: (      -250.00 ,       250.00 ), delta 500.00
y: (     -3000.00 ,      3000.00 ), delta 6000.00
z: (     -1500.00 ,      1500.00 ), delta 3000.00

while the bounding box of the overall mesh is

x: (      -450.00 ,       450.00 ), delta 900.00
y: (     -3200.00 ,      3200.00 ), delta 6400.00
z: (     -1700.00 ,      1700.00 ), delta 3400.00

Rule-based fibers can be added with the parameters in the fibers parameter structure. In the previous example, fiber rotation can be added with:

$ mesher \
-size[0] 0.05 \
-size[1] 0.6 \
-size[2] 0.3 \
-bath[0] -0.02 \
-bath[1] -0.02 \
-bath[2] -0.02 \
-resolution[0] 100.0 \
-resolution[1] 100.0 \
-resolution[2] 100.0 \
-mesh block \
-fibers.rotEndo 60 \
-fibers.rotEpi -60 \
-fibers.sheetEndo 90 \
-fibers.sheetEpi  90

The resulting geometry is:


Fig. 161 A slab mesh produced by mesher.